Donkey Kicks Right Steps:
Step 1: Get on the floor on your hands and knees. Place hands directly under shoulders and knees under hips.
Step 2: Engage your abdominal muscles to help create a stable pelvis and strong back. Keep your chin slightly tucked and eyes looking out and down, so the back of the neck stays flat.
Step 3: Using your glutes (give them a squeeze to activate), lift your right leg up and behind you toward the ceiling, keeping the 90-degree bend in your right leg and flexing the right foot.
Step 4: Lift up to the point right before your lower back arches (scoops down) or your hips rotate or tilt; if either one of these things happens, you’ve lifted too high. You want your hips to stay level and squared to the floor and your back to stay neutral and strong. Avoid rushing the motion so you can do the exercise with a full range of motion and proper technique.
Step 5: Lower the right leg to start position and repeat on that same leg. Once you’ve completed all repetitions on the right side, switch to the left side.