Lying Butterfly Stretch Steps:
Step 1: Sit down on the floor or ground with your legs in front of you.
Step 2: Reach forward and grab your right foot. It is OK to bend your knee to help your hand and foot connect. Gently pull your right foot up towards your groin bending until it is at a comfortable spot and the sole of the foot is facing your left thigh.
Step 3: Bend your left knee to bring your left foot toward your groin so that its sole touches the sole of your right foot.
Step 4: Hold your feet with your hands and rest your elbows on your knees.
Step 5: While keeping your back straight (no slouching), allow your knees to fall towards the ground. You can apply gentle pressure on the inner thigh by pressing gently on the knees with the elbows. You should feel gentle pulling and tension in the groin.
Step 6: Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds.
Step 7: Release and repeat three times.